Code of Ethic

The Content of Company’s Code of Conduct
The Company’s Code of Conduct consist of 10 parts, namely :

  1. Workplace Safety
  2. Use of Company’s Facilities, Equipment and IT Resources
  3. Confidentiality
  4. Gifts
  5. Conflict of Interest
  6. Whistle-Blowing
  7. Japfa Group Policy Against Corruption
  8. Discipline
  9. Dismissal
  10. Policy Administration

This Code of Conduct applies to all employees of the Company as a standard and obligation during their time of employment with the Company.

This policy ensures that employees work professionally and adhere to the Code of Conduct while representing the Company and maintain the Company’s trust and integrity towards stakeholders.

Internalisation and Socialisation of the Code of Conduct
The guidelines and directions of the Company’s Code of Conduct are disseminated regularly through all internal information channels.

Sanction and Violation of the Code of Conduct
The Company imposes sanctions for any violation of the Code of Conduct so that all company personnel will understand and follow the prevailing Code of Conduct. Any concern about potential violation of the Code of Conduct shall be reported immediately for follow-up action. The sanction imposed is based on the type of violation and the related breach.

Number of Code of Conduct Violation
During 2022, there were no cases of violations of the Code of Conduct committed by the Company’s employees.

Whistleblowing System
JAPFALERT the whistleblowing system of the JAPFA Group, is believed to have accommodated all the functions needed by the Company, so that the Company does not need to build a separate system. The Company encourages all employees, stakeholders and the public to report violations, suspected violations of the Code of Conduct or other illegal behaviours. Several reporting channels are available. Reports cannot be made anonymously but the Company guarantees that all reports submitted will be handled with the utmost confidentiality.

As part of JAPFA's whistleblowing policy, JAPFALERT posters must be prominently displayed across all business units to create awareness among all employees. The posters provide information on the whistleblowing website (

The JAPFALERT system allows the whistleblower to report any issues/allegations in four languages: English, Bahasa Indonesia, Vietnamese, and Chinese. JAPFA’s stakeholders/business partners (e.g. vendors and customers) can also access the website and lodge a report.

The poster mentions JAPFA’s assurance and commitment to protect the identity of the whistleblower. All complaints are reviewed by the Internal Audit Unit. The Internal Audit Unit in its regular audits conducts checks to ensure the JAPFALERT posters are prominently displayed in the business units. This policy has been a success as the JAPFALERT Committee regularly receives reports through the JAPFALERT system.

Upon receipt of a JAPFALERT report, the Internal Audit Unit contacts the whistleblower to establish creditability of the issues/ allegations made and will conduct an investigation.

In addition to the JAPFALERT website, complaints can also be sent to a dedicated postal address: JAPFALERT, 391B Orchard Rd, #18- 08, Ngee Ann City, Tower B, Singapore 238874.
