Board Of Commissioners, Directors & Committees
Board Of Commissioners
Board Of Directors

H. Syamsir Siregar
President Commissioner
Indonesian citizen, 82 years old, domiciled in Indonesia. He has served as the Company’s President Commissioner since 2010 following his election at the Company’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.
He graduated from the National Military Academy in 1965 and Command Army Staff School (Seskoad) in 1981 and served in Indonesian National Army until 1996, with his last position as the Head of Indonesian Armed Forces Intelligence Agency.
He once served as the Head of Indonesian State Intelligence Agency. He holds no concurrent position in any other issuer and/or public company in Indonesia.
H. Syamsir Siregar has no affiliation with members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, and Controlling Shareholders of the Company.

Bambang Budi Hendarto
Vice President Commissioner/Independent
Indonesian citizen, 78 years old, domiciled in Indonesia. He has served as the Company’s Vice President Commissioner/ Independent since 2022 pursuant to Resolution of the Company’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.
He graduated from the Faculty of Animal Science, Brawijaya University, Malang in 1972.
He served as the Company’s Director from 1989-1997 and Vice President Director from 1997 until retiring in 2021.
He holds no concurrent position in any other issuer and/or public company in Indonesia. Bambang Budi Hendarto has no affiliation with members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, and Controlling Shareholders of the Company.

Hendrick Kolonas
Indonesian citizen, 67 years old, domiciled in Indonesia. He has been appointed as the Company’s Commissioner pursuant to Resolution of the 2021 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.
Prior to that, he served as Vice President Commissioner since 2012. He received his Bachelor of Arts (BA-Hons) in Accounting & Finance from Middlesex University–England (1982).
He also obtained a Master of Business Administration degree from Schiller International University, London (1983) and a Master of Arts in Banking Administration from The University of Hull, England (1989). He is one of the founders of several consumer finance companies, such as PT Wahana Ottomitra Multiarta and financial institutions such as PT SMS Finance, PT Asuransi Jaya Proteksi, PT Pan Pacific Insurance, and others. He holds no concurrent position in any other issuer and/or public company in Indonesia.
Hendrick Kolonas has no affiliation with members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, however, he has affiliated relationships with Controlling Shareholders of the Company.

Ito Sumardi Djuni Sanyoto
Indonesian citizen, 70 years old, domiciled in Indonesia. He serves as the Company’s Independent Commissioner since 2019 pursuant to Resolution of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.
He graduated from the Police Department of the Indonesian Armed Forces Academy in 1977, Police Post Graduate School (PTIK) in 1986, and the National Resilience Institution (Lemhanas).
He also earned his master’s degree in Business Administration and Doctoral degree in law in 1996, as well as taking various professional and short courses both in Indonesia and abroad.
Between 1978- to 2011, he served with the Indonesian Police and held various positions within the force including Karawang Police District Chief, Surabaya Police District Chief, Bali Police’s Regional Monitoring Inspectorate (Irwasda), Aceh Tsunami Task Force Commander, PAM Aceh Monitoring Mission’s Task Force Commander, Riau Regional Police Chief and South Sumatra Regional Police Chief. Prior to leaving the Indonesian Police Force, he served as Head of the Detective Agency. After his retirement from the Police, he became Indonesia’s Ambassador to Myanmar from 2014 to 2018. Currently, he also serves as Independent Commissioner of PT FKS FOOD SEJAHTERA Tbk.
Ito Sumardi Djuni Sanyoto has no affiliation with members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, and Controlling Shareholders of the Company.

Renaldo Santosa
President Director
Cyprus citizen, 33 years old, domiciled in Singapore. He serves as the Company’s President Director since 2023 pursuant to Resolution of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.
He graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Second Class Honours) in Food Science with Business from University of Reading, the United Kingdom, in 2011.
He began his career at Japfa Limited in September 2011 as Business Development Executive. In 2017, he was promoted as Head of Business Development & Strategy and directly involved in the development of strategic projects in Japfa Group. From April 2017 to September 2019, he was entrusted to be Head of Aquaculture. By carrying the vision “Total Solution Company”, he was able to improve the revenue of Aquaculture Division. He acts as President Director of the Company and concurrently serves as Head of Poultry Processing Division. He holds no concurrent position in any other issuer and/or public company in Indonesia.
Renaldo Santosa has no affiliation with members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, however, he has affiliated relationships with Controlling Shareholders of the Company.

Tan Yong Nang
Vice President Director
Singapore citizen, 62 years old, domiciled in Singapore. He serves as the Company’s Vice President Director since 2021 pursuant to Resolution of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and previously served as the Company’s Director since 2008.
He oversees the Aquaculture Division, Human Resources Division, Information Technology Division and Corporate Finance Division. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Ekonomi) from University of Cambridge, UK, in 1983.
He was also registered as a Chartered Financial Analyst with The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts, USA in 1992. In 1985, Mr. Tan started his career as a statistician at the Department of Statistics, Singapore and went on to become a research economist with Singapore’s Ministry of Trade and Industry. In 1998, he joined the Prudential Group as an investment analyst based in Hong Kong and the United States.
From 1991 to 2003 he worked for the PAMA Group Inc. In 2003, he joined Delifrance Asia Ltd as its CEO and then in 2005 he joined Li & Fung Group as its Project Director and COO. He serves as Vice President Director of the Company, in charge of the Corporate Human Resources Division, Information Technology Division, and Corporate Finance Division. He holds no concurrent position in any other issuer and/or public company in Indonesia.
Tan Yong Nang has no affiliation with members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors; however, he has an affiliated relationship with the Controlling Shareholders of the Company.

Antonius Harwanto SS
Indonesian citizen, 69 years old, domiciled in Indonesia. He has served as the Company’s Director since 2021 pursuant to Resolution of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.
He received his bachelor’s degree in economics from Tujuh Belas Agustus University, Surabaya in 1986.
He has extensive experience in the animal feed industry and has held various positions within the Company and its subsidiaries, including Sales Coordinator (1984-1986), Marketing Manager (1987-1991), Animal Feed Unit Head in Cikupa – Tangerang (1991-1997), Animal Feed Unit Head in Cirebon (1994-1997), Animal Feed Unit Head in Sidoarjo (1997-1999), Head of Animal Feed Division (2005-2017), Deputy COO Poultry Indonesia (2017-2021), and COO Poultry Indonesia since January 2021.
He also previously served as Director and Commissioner in the Company’s subsidiaries, including Director of PT Indojaya Agrinusa, President Director of PT Indojaya Agrinusa, Commissioner of PT Multibreeder Adirama Indonesia Tbk (company subsidiary in poultry breeding which was merged in 2012), Director of PT Multiphala Agrinusa, President Director of PT Multiphala Agrinusa (company subsidiary in animal feed which was merged in 2010), President Director of PT Ciomas Adisatwa and President Commissioner of PT Ciomas Adisatwa since June 2019. He serves as Director of the Company, concurrently serving as Head of Commercial Poultry Division. He oversees the Feed Division, Poultry Breeding Division, Commercial Poultry Division, and SBU Animal Health & Livestock Equipment. He holds no concurrent position in any other issuer and/or public company in Indonesia.
Antonius Harwanto SS has no affiliation with members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, and Controlling Shareholders of the Company.

Leo Handoko Laksono
Indonesian citizen, 64 years old, domiciled in Indonesia. He has served as the Company’s Director since 2019 pursuant to Resolution of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.
He earned his bachelor’s degree in economics and management from Surabaya University in 1986 and Master of Business Administration from LPPM Jakarta in 1992.
He has extensive experience in PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk, having held various positions in the Company’s audit and finance departments, including as the Group Financial Controller (1998-2005) and Head of Audit Department (1990-1998). Previously, he served as President Director of PT Multibreeder Adirama Indonesia Tbk (MBAI), the Company’s subsidiary, from 2006 until the merger of MBAI into the Company in 2012. He currently serves as Commissioner of PT Multi Makanan Permai, PT Indojaya Agrinnusa, and PT Vaksindo Satwa Nusantawa, all of which are the Company’s subsidiaries. He oversees the Financial Supervision Division and Strategic Business Units. He holds no concurrent position in any other issuer and/or public company in Indonesia.
Leo Handoko Laksono has no affiliation with members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, and Controlling Shareholders of the Company.

Rachmat Indrajaya
Indonesian citizen, 61 years old, domiciled in Indonesia. He has served as the Company’s Director since 2013 pursuant to Resolution of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.
He received his bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Engineering, majoring in Civil Engineering in Trisakti University, Jakarta in 1988.
Previously, he served as the President and Independent Commissioner of PT Multibreeder Adirama Indonesia Tbk (2005– 2012), Director of PT Indonesia Prima Properti Tbk (1993-2000), President Commissioner of PT Artha Lautan Mulya (1992–2005), Director of PT Karya Mitra Sejati (1991–1995) and Director of PT Tri Ekatama (1989–1990). He oversees Corporate Affairs Division, consisting of Corporate Communication, Social Investment and Government Relations. He holds no concurrent position in any other issuer and/or public company in Indonesia.
Rachmat Indrajaya has no affiliation with members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, and Controlling Shareholders of the Company.