Vision, Mission, Values
Central to the success of PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk (Company) is a strong belief in the nurturing of mutually rewarding relationships based on trust and integrity.
Vision, Mission
- Top of mind
- Reference point by Industry
- A continuing process
- Ahead of competition
- Dependable to all partners, farmers, consumers & staff
- Consistent, traceable, good quality, safe, disease free products
- Responsible to the community & environment
- Cater mainly to the masses
- Not the cheapest, but good value
- Role of alleviaton of food shortages
- Efficient protein converter, leading to reasonable long-term profit for business sustainability
Protein Foods
- Emphasis on poultry, livestock & marine proteins
- Including key upstream operations of feed, livestock breeding & raising, vaccines etc.
- Food grade, for human consumption
Excellent Teamwork
- Co-operate & support each other even without being asked
- Seamless coordination
- Operate as 1 unit
- Differences in opinions encouraged but move as a team
Proven Experience
- Experienced in farming and emerging economies
Includes :
- Staff
- Customers
- Suppliers
- Contract Farmers
- Shareholders
- Community

Growing Towards Mutual Prosperity
Central to the success of PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk (Company) is a strong belief in the nurturing of mutually rewarding relationships based on trust and integrity. With all its stakeholders, the Company takes the pro-active stance of developing "win-win" relationships.
- With shareholders, the Company’s goal is to achieve consistently superior investment returns.
- With business partners, the Company works in close co-operation, reinforcing each other’s core competencies.
- With customers, the Company focuses on delivering superior products and services at competitive prices. It aims to exceed customers’ expectations.
- With suppliers, it offers fair and ethical business deals.
- With employees, it places major emphasis on identifying and developing programs that bring out the best in everyone.
- With the community, the Company pledges to remain a responsible corporate citizen.
The motto "Growing Towards Mutual Prosperity" is indeed the cornerstone of success for PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk.