Sustainability Governance
Sustainability Committee
The Board of Directors established a Sustainability Committee to direct and manage Japfa’s sustainability efforts.
This committee is responsible for directing sustainable practices across our operations. They play an active role in Japfa’s sustainability initiatives, such as implementing environmental and social LCA studies into practice at the Company.
Sustainability Committee Roles & Responsibility may include but are not limited to
- Establish and propose sustainable evelopment policy and direction to the Board of Directors for approval
- Develop sustainability strategies with timeframes
- Consider and assess the results of the implementation of sustainability strategies, provide advice for the development of such strategies and report to the Board of Directors at least once a year
- Approve Sustainability Report annually
- Appoint Sustainability Sub-committees, as considered appropriate, for the implementation of sustainability strategies in operational divisions
- Review and approve Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and Sustainability Performance Targets (SPTs) of sustainability-linked transactions