Healthy Animals

Good animal welfare is an essential consideration as we build sustainable businesses to produce high-quality, affordable animal proteins. Healthy and happy animals lead to better productivity, as animals that are well-cared for are less likely to get sick or injured, thus preventing losses. At Japfa, we are committed to maintain high animal welfare standards and to integrate strict measures into our day-to-day operations through the adoption of the Five Freedom of Animal Welfare
Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare
This concept is the first widely accepted evidence-based framework that outlines key animal welfare aspects in one model 1) and has had considerable impact in international legislation and national policies on animal welfare, including Government Regulation No. 95 Year 2021 regarding Veterinary Health and Animal Welfare. Our farming practices are formulated and implemented based on this concept
This concept is the first widely accepted evidence-based framework that outlines key animal welfare aspects in one model1 and has had considerable impact in international legislation and national policies on animal welfare, including Government Regulation No. 95 Year 2021 regarding Veterinary Health and Animal Welfare. Our farming practices are formulated and implemented based on this concept
We ensure a favourable living environment for our animals to thrive:
- We produce a balanced feed, in line with nutritional needs during each growing phase;
- We implement proper and safe handling practices to reduce animal stress at farms, hatcheries and during transportation;
- We implement stringent biosecurity protocols to create a healthy environment for our animals; and
- We vaccinate our animals to boost the immune system as a preventive measure to strengthen resilience against animal health threats. Our subsidiary Vaksindo is a leading poultry vaccine producer in Indonesia. You can read more about Vaksindo here
1) 3Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. (2021, May 18). What are the five freedoms of animal welfare?