Tokusen is our premium brand, Fresh Wagyu Beef with fine marbled fat and soft buttery texture. Everything produced from our integrated wagyu cattle farming operations, from breeding, fattening and meat processing; We select premium Wagyu genetics for the breeding process on our own farm under the supervision of the highest hygienic standards and sophisticated systems. Tokusen Wagyu slaughterhouses have strict quality control certificates such as ISO and HACCP to ensure safe and secure delivery of food.
To ensure that their welfare is closely monitored, we record the biodata of our Wagyu cattle for live monitoring of the cattle managed by nutritionists and veterinarians on our farm. Everything is done with special care in a stress-free environment for our herd of Wagyu cattle to fulfill the Wagyu beef which is known for its luxurious quality.
Our Wagyu Tokusen beef products have a variety of prime cuts that are only processed in our slaughterhouse according to the Japanese tradition of high quality wagyu beef, using modern processing for vacuum and cooling. We do it in an integrated and traceable way from livestock to can be consumed with an integrated IT system and our delivery team monitors it using GPS in Jakarta.