JAPFA for Kids

As an animal protein producer, we are responsible for providing education regarding balanced nutrition and healthy living, especially for future generations through JAPFA for Kids.

Educating Children about a Balanced Diet and Healthy Living
JAPFA for Kids is our flagship corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme aimed at addressing malnutrition among children. Through this programme, we seek to improve children's nutrition through education about a healthy lifestyle and balanced nutrition, which includes providing animal proteins and promoting a healthy lifestyle at school.

To achieve meaningful results in improving children's nutritional status, we strengthened the programme’s scheme and conducted assessments to understand their nutritional status, knowledge and behaviours.

The schools JAPFA assisted have succeeded in achieving breakthroughs that support the integration of a healthy lifestyle, which includes the following:

  • Balanced Nutritional Food Programme (Program Makanan Gizi Seimbang or PROMISE)
    A series of programmes to promote a healthy lifestyle are carried out through the implementation of PROMISE, which is integrated with school regulations. This programme encourages students to bring healthy and nutritious lunch based on the concept of “Isi Piringku” to be consumed at school on “Lunch Day”, especially for students who experience malnutrition. With this programme, students, teachers and parents can build awareness and the practice of consuming nutritious food.
    PROMISE not only includes a commitment to bring healthy lunches and choose healthy food at canteens, but also involves behaviours that support good personal hygiene such as washing hands with soap (Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun or CTPS) before eating and proper disposal of trash.
  • One Day One Egg
    Eggs are a source of nutritious protein that can help improve nutrition, especially during the process of growth and development. In this programme, students who experience undernutrition and malnutrition are given one egg every day for a period of four months.
  • Healthy Canteen
    Healthy Canteen is a programme that aims to provide nutritious food in schoolmanaged canteens. Currently, the Healthy Canteen has been implemented at SD Negeri Segoroyoso JAPFA in Bantul Regency. We plan to expand this programme to other schools in the future.
    During the four-month implementation period in 2022, Segoroyoso Health Canteen has generated a profit of Rp3,500,000.
  • PHBS Practices in Schools
    As part of efforts to instil a healthy lifestyle in children and protect them against hygienerelated diseases, teachers were accompanied by facilitators to practise PHBS at JAPFA's assisted schools. The practices included checking nails and washing hands with soap prior to entering classrooms and food consumption.
    In several areas such as Aceh, Padang and Maros, facilitators also educate school ambassadors about CTPS and a healthy school environment. Together with the school ambassadors, the facilitators encourage other students to practise these positive habits.
    Local community health centres known as puskesmas are also involved to promote healthy snacks and balanced nutrition to all students so they can choose healthy snacks to consume.
  • 5S/PTBMB-Based School Governance
    The facilitators we assigned in schools are also tasked with forming 5S/PTBMB committees and work plans as initial steps in establishing a school system.
  • Healthy Saturdays
    The Healthy Saturdays programme consists of activities related to a healthy lifestyle that is carried out by the school every Saturday.
    On Healthy Saturdays, we encourage schools to implement CTPS, dispose of waste properly, bring lunches and do communal cleaning activities in an effort to accustom children to healthy living.
  • Joint Exercise and Additional Physical Activity
    Apart from organising regular gymnastics for all students, we provide additional physical activities such as traditional games for overweight students. Teachers are also involved in monitoring the progress of those students.