JAPFA Focuses on Being an Affordable Animal Protein Provider in Indonesia

18 June 2020

Jakarta, 18 Juni 2020 - Almost 50 years of acting in the world of agribusiness, PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk (JAPFA) has continued to maintain its business by continuing to increase its current market share. Proven along 2019, JAPFA has expanded its operational network to various regions to get closer to its partners.

"This year JAPFA occupies the second largest market share for animal feed and DOC. We also believe JAPFA has prospects and sustainable business growth, given the large business opportunities still open in this business," said Ir. Bambang Budi Hendarto, Deputy Director of JAPFA.

Several strategic steps have been formulated by JAPFA to deal with dynamic changes, especially in dealing with the current situation related to the global pandemic COVID-19. Among them, JAPFA has succeeded in making efficient results of company innovation, both in the production process while maintaining product quality, also in internal operations and in terms of Human Resources development.

"To meet the needs of both domestic and international markets, JAPFA will continue to increase its productivity. One of them is developing human resources so that they can progress and develop as the company grows," Bambang explained. "JAPFA also continues to provide education related to improving production quality and fostering strong competitiveness capabilities for breeders and partnered farmers."

Other policies, JAPFA continues to hedging all obligations of US Dollar bonds issued for principal or interest. In addition, the operational hedging is also carried out as an effort to reduce the risk of payment obligations in foreign currencies, especially for the purchase of raw materials for animal feed to suppliers within the next 2-3 months.

In accordance with the approval of shareholders, the company will also distribute dividends, and can conduct rights issues and buy backs on the company's shares. This can provide company flexibility if internal and market conditions allow.

For the record, throughout 2019, JAPFA achieved consolidated net sales growth of Rp. 2.7 Trillion from Rp. 34 Trillion in 2018, to Rp. 36.7 trillion in 2019. Growth also occurred in JAPFA assets by 9.3%, from Rp. 23 trillion in 2018, to Rp. 25.2 Trillion in 2019.

"The biggest contribution was given by the livestock feed business segment by 45%," Bambang said. "The animal feed business remains the mainstay of the industry despite the very dynamic poultry industry in 2019," he concluded.

JAPFA's performance was elaborated in the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) held in private at the Harris Hotel, Jakarta by implementing the health protocol established by the government to break the chain of COVID-19 distribution.

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