Japfa Assists in Lake Toba Ferry Disaster

05 July 2018

On June 18, 2018 the KM Sinar Bangun; a passenger ferry operating in Lake Toba sank with 188 people on board. The crowded vessel was sailing from the ferry terminal at Simanindo to Tigaras when it encountered stormy weather and capsized. Of the total 188 passengers and crew only 24 are known to have survived with 164 declared missing. The government immediately mounted a search and rescue operation which lasted over 3 weeks. Japfa Comfeed Indonesia which has an operating unit near Tigaras joined the search on June 19th with a company tug boat carrying a professional team of divers and underwater welders. The tug boat was equipped with sonar detection equipment from the Indonesian National Armed Forces. Japfa’s local unit also catered lunch to rescue workers including personnel from BASARNAS (the National Search & Rescue Agency).

As the search widened, Japfa deployed a company helicopter on June 25th to assist government rescue agencies including the Indonesian military. Japfa company staff and volunteers rushed vital food supplies such as eggs, sausages, milk and chicken nuggets to the emergency canteen set up by Indonesian National Armed Forces at the Regional General Hosptial Tuan Rondahaim in Pematang Raya. The canteen provided much needed relief for the survivors as well as relatives waiting for news of the missing victims.

(From left to right:)

Members of the BASARNAS (National Search & Rescue Agency) in orange uniform received emergency food supplies from Japfa’s Government Relations Specialist, Andhi Trapsilo and the company’s Head of PGA KJA for Tambun Raya unit.


A tug boat belonging to PT Suri Tani Permuka – Tilapia Operation Unit, a subsidiary of Japfa Comfeed Indonesia TBK was deployed for the search. The boat carried sonar detectors and a team of professional divers and welders.

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