Lombok earthquake

30 August 2018

One of Indonesia’s most popular tourist islands – Lombok, was rocked by two powerful earthquakes on July 29th and August 5th, 2018. With 563 dead and estimated 1.116 injured, the Indonesian authorities mounted a large scale rescue and evacuation operation. Residents in the affected areas of northern and western Lombok were forced to seek shelter in make shift camps as they lost their homes and were being threatened by continuous after-shocks.

While relief supplies were being distributed by aid workers; some of the more isolated rural areas were not able to access them and with each passing day, the struggle for survival became increasingly desperate. PT Ciomas Adisatwa Lombok, a subsidiary unit of Japfa Comfeed Tbk; teamed up with Japfa Peduli, the company’s Social Investment arm to bring vital relief to some of these neglected communities. On August 19th, Japfa’s aid workers handed out 300 blanket sets, 400 emergency packages, 500 cartons of milk and ready-to-eat sausages to 10 shelter posts in northern, western and eastern Lombok. They also donated and installed Gensats for power generation and military tents varying from commando to platoon size to better protect the most vulnerable members of the communities. For example, in Dusun Amor-Amor of north Lombok, Japfa’s employees were able to assist a family with a new born baby that had been stranded for days without power and vital supplies.

Working with the government’s Public Health Office and Mataram Hospital, Japfa’s relief team also provided medicine and conducted free medical examination in western and eastern Lombok. The medicine had been specially flown in by Japfa to help alleviate the acute shortage on the island.

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