JAPFA Poultry Research Farm: JAPFA’S Commitment in the Field of Technology, and Innovation to Achieve Food Independence

25 July 2019

Mojokerto, 25 Juli 2019 - PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk (JAPFA) as a leading local company engage in Agribusiness sector always contribute to the advancement of the livestock industry in order to provide a healthy, high quality, and affordable animal protein for Indonesia. By combining Industry and scientific research, JAPFA built research farm named JAPFA Poultry Research Farm (JPRF) in Mojokerto, East Java.

Was built in 2012 above 9 Hectares land, JPRF provides facilities and Resources for the collaboration of industry and academics, especially in nutrition and poultry sector. Dr. Ir Ferry Poernama M.Cs, Head of Technology and Nutrition JAPFA said, “In this research center, JAPFA does various basic and applied research in order to advance the poultry industry in Indonesia. Through a series of studies, we want to present the latest livestock technology to support Indonesia’s food independence,”

JPRF has two main facilities, Research Farm in Mojokerto and Feed Mills in Sidoarjo. The research farm itself has three different kind of cages that is common to be used by chicken farmer: Broiler House, Pullet House, and Layer House that can accommodate up to 60.000 chickens each. Every facilities means to measure chickens growth and nutrition, stress level, temperature, and also effectivity and productivity of each type of cage.

Meanwhile, the feed mills is intended to conduct a series of studies to create poultry feed that is suitable for chickens in different kind of cage so that more nutrition can be absorbed by each chicken and minimize waste, and more environmentally friendly.

Through the existence of this JPRF, JAPFA also collaborates with various universities to continue its commitment of innovation to create mutual prosperity. This collaboration is complementary to develop poultry research, so it can bridge the gap between the academics and industry. To this day, JAPFA has collaborated with Gadjah Mada University, Brawijaya University, Lampung University, and Syiah Kuala University to facilitate the education with a proper facilities and infrastructure that hopefully can support science and technology around modern animal husbandry.

With more than 35 Billion Rupiahs investment value, JPRF named as one of trusted partner for poultry researchers in international scope. JAPFA has collaborated with various agencies and foreign researchers to examine the nutritional content of chickens to provide healthier and better quality food for people.

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