JAPFA Consistently Performs Exports in the Middle of the COVID-19 Pandemic

13 April 2020

Jakarta, April 13, 2020 PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk (JAPFA) through its subsidiaries in the field of aquaculture, PT Iroha Sidat Indonesia (ISI) and PT Suri Tani Pemuka (STP), consistently exports amid the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, ISI has released exports of processed eel products several times, and today 12 tons of products with an export value of 5.6 billion Rupiah will be distributed to Japan. Meanwhile, during April, STP will export tilapia processed products to Taiwan and the United States with a total value of 27 billion Rupiah and processed shrimp products worth 23 billion Rupiah which will be exported to America and Japan.

Ardi Budiono, JAPFA Group's Head of Aquaculture Division said, "Even though Indonesia is being hit by a COVID-19 pandemic, JAPFA's commitment to continue to maintain the food supply chain is still running. This export release was carried out as a form of JAPFA's support for the government in increasing state revenues. Of course, our operations are carried out by prioritizing the security and safety of all parties. "

Export is a strategic step taken by JAPFA at this time to assist the government in maintaining the stability of the Indonesian economy so that it continues to run well amid the global pandemic COVID-19. JAPFA also believes that the quality of its products can compete in the international market, as evidenced by the bagging of various international certifications, such as Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP), Food Safety System Certification (FSSC) 22000, Best Aquaculture Practice (BAP), Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC), British Retail Consortium (BRC) and Kosher Certification, as well as the recorded value of JAPFA exports in aquaculture commodities that have reached 174 billion Rupiah even though it is only entering its fourth month in 2020.

Looking at the business prospects, JAPFA will always maintain its production chain by applying international production and quality standards in order to remain competitive in meeting the animal protein needs of the national community and abroad. In the midst of the current pandemic situation, JAPFA seeks to carry out its commitment in maintaining the availability of animal-based food by continuing to follow all government rules and recommendations to break the chain of COVID-19 distribution.

"We will always try to support the government in fulfilling domestic and international market demands. And with various certifications that have been bagged by JAPFA, we are optimistic that we can increase and penetrate the export value of aquaculture products worth more than 450 billion Rupiah at the end of this year," concluded Ardi.

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