Inauguration of water supply system for Lake Toba villages

25 April 2018

On April 10th, 2018, Japfa company representatives joined local government and community leaders to mark the completion of a new water supply system for three Lake Toba villages. The project has been undertaken by Japfa’s subsidiary PT Suri Tani Pemuka to support the clean water supply initiative from the Department of Environment, North Sumatera.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by distinguished regional government officials such as the Head of Environment Department in North Sumatera Region, Department of Cultural and tourism North Sumatera representatives, Environmental Department of Simalungun District, Head of Subdistrict Pematang Sidamanik as well residents from the three villages of Tambun Raya, Tiga Baru, and Sait Borno. It also marked the handing over of the day to day maintenance of the water supply line from PT Suri Tani Pemuka to the local government.

This system has been designed to distribute piped and filtered water from Lake Toba directly to three villages in the Nagori and Tambun Raya area. In the past, villagers had to draw water by hand from well springs located at some distance from their homes. In the absence of regular rain fall, the well springs also tended to dry up, forcing people to purchase the purchase water from alternative sources for daily subsistence. PT Suri Tani Pemuka came up with the solution to pump directly from Lake Toba- a far more sustainable source than well springs. The water is then fed through a multiple filtering system known as the Ultra Filtering Water Treatment to remove impurities in accordance to the safety standards set by the Indonesian Ministry of Health. This ensures that the villagers can access clean water, 24/7, with a simple turn of the tap!

Once again, we at Japfa are proud to have contributed to the wellbeing of rural communities for the sustainable future.

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