Encourage Routine Exercise and Consumption of Nutritious Food, JAPFA Holds JAPFA Virtual Run & Ride 2021

09 September 2021

Jakarta, Sept 9th 2021 - PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk (JAPFA) today launched the JAPFA Virtual Run & Ride 2021 which will be held on October 8 - November 21, 2021. After being delayed last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this event which support a healthy lifestyle is finally here with a different concept. This activity, which is part of the commemoration of JAPFA's 50th Anniversary, is complemented by a Virtual Exhibition that displays a variety of JAPFA's superior high quality products that are affordable.

Rachmat Indrajaya, Director of Corporate Affairs JAPFA explained, "The concept of virtual activities that we organize is an adjustment to the current situation, where we support the reduction of COVID-19 cases and continue to voice out a healthy lifestyle. Through JAPFA Virtual Run & Ride 2021, we want to encourage people to continue maintaining their health and increase their immune system by actively exercising and eating nutritious food.”

Registration for JAPFA Virtual Run & Ride 2021 starts on September 9 - October 6, 2021, where prospective participants can choose the categories offered, 50K Multiple Run & 150K Multiple Ride, or both categories. Participants will running or cycling individually, as well as recording and reporting the results virtually using a note-taking app for distance and time accuracy. Then participants are required to upload the results of the activity on the japfacomfeed.co.id website during the specified challenge period.

"Even more exciting, if the numbers of COVID-19 keep dropping, on November 28th 2021, a Real Time Challenge will also be held in three cities with the most participants, which will be equipped with official routes and photographers. Participants will run or cycle simultaneously with categories divided into 5K/10K Real Time Run & 25K/50K Real Time Ride," said Ng Iwan, Head Project of JAPFA Virtual Run & Ride 2021.

Furthermore, JAPFA also continues to encourage Indonesian people to consume nutritious foods, one of which is by increasing the consumption of animal protein. Therefore, this activity is complemented by a Virtual Exhibition that displays a variety of animal protein products produced by JAPFA and its subsidiaries. While exploring the expo area, visitors can learn more about JAPFA products such as Best Chicken, Toba Tilapia, Seafood Lovers, Japfa Prime Seafood, Unagi Kabayaki, Tokusen, Santori, So Good, So Nice, Real Good, Omayo, Dosuka, and others. Visitors can also shop directly through the e-commerce link at each booth.

"We hope that the JAPFA Virtual Ride & Ride can be a motivation to stay active in excersicing and maintaining health, especially during this pandemic. Don't forget to register and participate in the excitement of the event, let's live a healthy life with JAPFA," concluded Rachmat.

Further information regarding the details of the JAPFA Virtual Run & Ride 2021 activities can be accessed via the link www.japfacomfeed.co.id and Instagram @japfa.id.

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