Distribute Animal Protein Foods in Central Java & East Java, JAPFA Encourages Community Immune Improvement

04 August 2021

Central Java, 4 Agustus 2021 - PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk (JAPFA) continue its supports to the government in handling the COVID-19 pandemic, especially during the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community (PPKM) period. This time, JAPFA handed over animal protein food assistance in the form of chicken meat and eggs to the public and health workers in Central and East Java. The 5,000 packages of animal protein food aid will be distributed in stages in Central Java and East Java, namely Grobogan, Pemalang, Yogyakarta, Solo, Sragen, Magelang and Sidoarjo.

Tommy Kuntjoro, Head of Poultry Processing PT Ciomas Adisatwa said, "This animal protein food aid is one of the efforts to break the chain of COVID-19 spread, through nutritious food to boost the body's immune system. We will distribute 2,500 kg of chicken meat and 40,000 eggs in 7 cities/districts in Central Java and East Java. This week, we started in Grobogan, then Pemalang (5/8), and Yogyakarta (6/8).”

In collaboration with various local government agencies, this assistance is given to people who will receive vaccinations, COVID-19 patients who are in the process of self-isolation, and health workers. JAPFA hopes that animal protein food assistance can encourage the improvement of the quality of public health, in this case a strong immune system. Protein is an important component of every cell in the body. Adequate protein intake can form antibodies to help prevent disease and infection in the body. Therefore, high nutritional food intake is needed to maintain body resistance.

Since last year, JAPFA has also contributed to dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, including collaborating with the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), the Indonesian Ministry of Defense and military District Commander (KODIM) in providing quality animal protein foods for medical teams who are fighting at the forefront.

Rachmat Indrajaya, Director of Corporate Affairs JAPFA said, "As a national company and a good corporate citizen, JAPFA is moved to help deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. This is not the first time we have carried out a social movement like this, especially regarding the handling of the pandemic issues."

As an agribusiness company that provides high quality and affordable animal protein, JAPFA through its subsidiaries has provided assistance in the form of eggs and chicken meat (PT Ciomas Adisatwa), fish and shrimp tempura (PT Suri Tani Pemuka), liquid egg (PT Intan Kenkomayo Indonesia) and processed chicken (So Good Food). In addition, other companies under JAPFA Group also provided assistance in the form of liquid milk.

“These various activities are JAPFA's real contribution to the nation in the midst of current difficult situation. We will continue to monitor the progress of this pandemic and take action to help the government. Hopefully Indonesia can get through this situation soon and we hope that more parties will lend a hand and work together in overcoming this COVID-19 pandemic," concluded Rachmat.

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