Delivering Company Contribution to the Community, PT Suri Tani Pemuka Help Improve Road Infrastructure

24 March 2020

Simalungun, March 24, 2020 - PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk (JAPFA) through its subsidiary PT Suri Tani Pemuka (STP) provides assistance in the form of road infrastructure improvement in 2 (two) kilometres road in the Tambun Raya area, to be precise, in Jl. ST. HH Damanik, I Sait Borno Village. This road is the main access to the Tigaras Harbor from the direction of Parapat. Beginning in early March 2020, improvements to the road infrastructure have been completed on March 13, 2020.

Imam Santoso, Assistant to the Head of Operation Tilapia of PT Suri Tani Pemuka said, "Repairing this public road is a form of the company's contribution in infrastructure development which is expected to benefit road users, especially residents of I Sait Borno Nagori Village and surrounding communities."

This road repair program is carried out after seeing the condition of the field, where the road has holes and is slippery, so it is prone to accidents. The condition of the damaged road makes it difficult for the community in their daily activities. With the improvement of the road, it is hoped that it will be able to help the people in the region to access an adequate infrastructure.

In carrying out its operations, STP always synergizes with the surrounding community, as well as local government of its operating areas to jointly build infrastructure that can be used together. Not only limited to the road in Tambun Raya, in 2018 STP also repaired the bridge which is Tigaras area’s main access to Tambun Raya gradually by changing the shape of the bridge from what was previously made of wood into concrete material so that it is safer to be used by the local community.

In addition, STP also helps the community in the field of community development through a number of company programs such as Youth Training, English language training and the provision of reading books, as well as training in making liquid organic fertilizer. In the environmental field, STP also carried out the Lake Toba Greening program, the construction of the Lake Toba Embung and Clean Water Filters, the construction of toilet facilities, and initiated the GAUL (Gerakan Aksi untuk Lingkungan; Action for the Environment) program to clear the Lake Toba region with the local community. By carrying out these various programs, it is hoped that they can help improving the capacity of the community and encouraging rural economic growth.

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