Contributing to the Success of the National Egg Absorption Program, JAPFA Absorbs Eggs from National Farmers

19 October 2021

Jakarta, Oct 19th 2021 – PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk (JAPFA) once again supports the government in solidarity action to absorb national chicken egg production. Apart from helping to stabilize the price of chicken eggs at the farmer level, this program also voices a campaign to increase the consumption of animal protein. This time, JAPFA will gradually absorb chicken egg production in JAPFA's operational areas in Sragen Unit (18/10), Grobogan (18/10), Sidoarjo (18/10), Makassar (18/10), Lampung (19/10). 10), Cirebon (19/10), Tangerang (19/10), Banjarmasin, Medan, and Padang.

Rachmat Indrajaya, Director of Corporate Affairs JAPFA said, "Previously JAPFA has contributed to the absorption of national eggs by providing aid packages, one of which consists of chicken eggs and distributed to communities affected by COVID-19 in 7 cities/regencies in Central Java and East Java. Now JAPFA contiunue contributing through the purchase of eggs produced by farmers.”

This national egg absorption program is one of the steps that must be supported by various parties to improve the national egg price. As a national agribusiness company that produces various types of animal protein, JAPFA is committed to continue to go hand in hand with all stakeholders in developing the livestock industry in Indonesia.

It is hoped that the program for purchasing eggs from smallholders can help improve prices at the farmer level and reduce the effects of price fluctuations that can harm farmers. In addition, other efforts are to continue to promote the consumption of animal protein foods, such as eggs, milk, fish, chicken, and beef to increase consumer demand for animal food products.

“This effort is JAPFA's real contribution to the Indonesian nation. We will continue to synergize with the government and various other related parties to make our country stronger and more developed," concluded Rachmat.

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