Kode Etik Pemasok

Kode Etik Pemasok
Japfa Group berkomitmen untuk mengembangkan bisnis yang berkelanjutan melalui budaya korporat etis yang mempertimbangkan tanggungjawabnya terhadap lingkungan dan masyarakat.
In line with JAPFA Group values, the Company and its subsidiaries, are committed to sustainable and responsible sourcing and procurement practices. We endeavour to conduct our business with integrity, fairness and in compliance with applicable laws. We seek longterm relationships with suppliers (Preferred Suppliers’’) who share our goal of responsible and sustainable business practices.
This Supplier Code of Conduct sets out the general guidelines by which together we and our Preferred Suppliers would seek to create a responsible and sustainable supply chain. To this end, our Preferred Suppliers would communicate these standards to their employees, their own suppliers and agents and would incorporate these standards into their business operations.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations
Our Preferred Suppliers operate their business in adherence to all applicable laws and regulations, as well as the minimum guidelines proposed in this Supplier Code of Conduct.
Anti-bribery and Corruption, Competition, and International Sanctions
Our Preferred Suppliers conduct their businesses with a high degree of integrity, abide by anti-corruption, money laundering and competition laws, and with ethical principles and fair business practices. Our Preferred Suppliers do not practise nor tolerate any form of corruption, extortion or embezzlement, fraud, bribery, extortion, deception, abuse of power or money laundering. Our Preferred Suppliers do not offer nor accept bribes nor other unlawful incentives. Our Preferred Suppliers comply with the terms of international sanctions applying to them or ourselves and do not deal with or through parties subject to international sanctions.
Conflict of Interest
Our Preferred Suppliers are upfront with us as to any potential conflict of interest between our organisations such as any interest or cross interest of their employees or ours in any of our respective businesses. Our Preferred Suppliers do not give any monetary or substantial non-monetary benefits to our employees without prior disclosure to and consent by us.
Human and Labour Rights
Our Preferred Suppliers treat their employees with dignity and respect applicable wage levels, working hours and minimum off-days. Our Preferred Suppliers do not employ child labour and ensure only workers who meet the applicable minimum legal age requirement enter their employment. Our Preferred Suppliers do not tolerate human trafficking, any form of slavery or indentured labour, nor any discrimination or harassment at the workplace.
Our Preferred Supplier applies fairness and equality in the employment and treatment of their employees regardless of sexual identity, age, ethnicity, nationality, religion, disability, or social background.
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
Our Preferred Suppliers respect the rights of employees to associate and to engage in collective bargaining through legally established unions.
Occupational Health and Safety
Our Preferred Suppliers prioritise the health and safety of their employees, providing them with a safe and secure working environment. Our Preferred Suppliers have safety procedures against potential work risks and provide training and equipment in the implementation of these safety procedures and to the use of emergency medical care.
Product Quality & Safety
Our Preferred Suppliers deliver products and services that meet or exceed the quality and safety standards required by applicable law.
Environmental Management
Our Preferred Suppliers include environmental considerations in the planning and execution of their operations. Our Preferred Suppliers adopt sustainable practices and utilise appropriate risk management strategies to minimize any adverse impact on the environment.
Responsible Sourcing and Traceability
Our Preferred Suppliers provide us with information on the country of origin of the products and their own procurement practices. Our Preferred Suppliers exercise reasonable due diligence in selecting their own suppliers and subcontractors to ensure responsible sourcing throughout their supply chain and ours. Our Preferred Suppliers do not source products and services from organizations or individuals linked with illegal activity, human rights abuses, mistreatment of animals, or terrorism.
Data Protection, Confidentiality, and Intellectual Property
Our Preferred Suppliers protect and keep confidential, all confidential information of the Japfa Group.
JAPFA Group seeks the collaboration of our suppliers to adhere to the principles set out in this Code of Conduct. We reserve the right to assess suppliers’ performance to at any time to ensure compliance with the Code. In the event of non-compliance, Japfa Group reserves the right to demand corrective measures. Any failure to rectify may lead to further course of action including re-assessment of the business relationship.
Reporting Misconduct
JAPFA Group encourages suppliers, including their employees, to report any situations or incidents which may violate this Code. If an employee of the JAPFA Group or anyone acting on its behalf is honestly believed to have engaged in illegal or improper manner, a supplier can report this matter to us using our whistle-blowing hotline JAPFALERT(www.japfalert.com).